Stirling 0427 670 368 Rockingham 0439 350 668
We look at your how you live your life at home and how your disability impacts on your life. Using your goals we will identify the therapy, equipment and core supports needed to achieve these goals.
Ace Therapy is very well known around the Assistive Technology providers in Western Australia and suppliers nationally, this greatly assists in getting the products quickly and easily for trials and purchase.
We have years of experience prescribing assistive technology, working with local suppliers providing trials and modifications.
Manual and power wheelchairs
Specialised seating
Bathroom and shower aids
Kitchen aids
Height adjustable beds and Pressure care mattresses
Ergonomic equipment for your home or workplace
o Balance and coordination
o Strength and mobility
o Breathing
o Continence and toilet training
o Play and social skills
o Communication
o Eating and mealtimes
o Dressing
o Showering
o Sleep
o Sensory processing and integration
With over 20 years experience in WA in the delivering home modification to make homes more livable. Ace Therapy has extensive experience in providing home assessment and modification services.
At Ace Therapy our Speech Pathologists have considerable experience working with individuals who have complex mealtime management needs. We work with the person, families, carers and other health professionals to provide an integrated and holistic service to increase safety, comfort and independence during mealtimes.
We assess eating and drinking skills and develop a mealtime management plan that is tailored to the individual. Areas assessed include: food and fluid consistencies, positioning and equipment needs, environmental needs, support required during mealtimes, safe medication intake and considerations when eating out. We will also accompany the person to hospital appointments when a swallowing study is required.
We can assess and prescribe assistive technology and consumables that help make mealtimes more manageable and enjoyable.
Our services also include training support staff to understand and implement mealtime management plans. This training can be delivered on an individual or group basis.
At Ace Therapy, we are committed to doing all we can to provide a high quality service to everyone! As such, we have extended our catchment area to include more rural areas from New Norcia to York all the way down to Dawesville!
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